Thursday, February 28, 2008

Noise Of Human Art

Am descoperit NOHA multumita lui Cora Gramos, asa ca as vrea sa impart cu voi aceasta descoperire.

Aici ii ascultati.

"After ,Noise Of Human Art‘ (1997), ,No Slack‘ (2001) and ,Next Plateau‘ (2003), Comes
“DIVE IN YOUR LIFE” N.O.H.A.’s 4th album – and culmination of 10 years of experience.

With their debut album N.O.H.A. already established themselves as pop-avantgarde of the
European music scene, especially in fusing classic songwriting and club sound. Previous
sold records have reached ( 1#, 4#, 10#, 19#) in the german club charts, including
countless club and festival gigs that show, how successful and flexible N.O.H.A. are at
working live and in the studio.

Freed from former obligations, these highly motivated musicians have created an album full of club compatible, atmospheric songs. No doubt about it, N.O.H.A. are setting course for the next level.

On “DIVE IN YOUR LIFE” , the band is developing its own vision: The noise of human art, a living breathing mixture of breakbeats, drum & bass, electric jazz, pop and 100% club
grooves. The conglomerate sounds in 2007 are even racier, more experimental and more
on the pulse of the times than ever before.

N.O.H.A. remain cosmopolitans. Minerva Diaz Perez – the new singer is from Gijon, Spain. Her expressive vocals with a erotic undercurrent, create incomparable depth and
atmosphere on the live performance. Minervas voice is the perfect contrast and
complement for New York rapper Chevy’s energetic, charismatic MC performance.
Prague born sax-player Philip Noha and native German Jochen Eickenberg on keys, are
the producers of the international collective and create the creative pool of this band. For
their live shows Tim Rashid (bass) and Tobias Belker (drums) join the line-up for a powerful live-band-experience.

When it comes to performance, N.O.H.A. stands out as a band that really knows how to
bring their complex sound on the stage, shifting and reshaping the border of club-scene
and live performance. N.O.H.A. have already proven in various gigs with the likes of,
Armand van Helden, Goldie, J. Majik, Malachi/Herbalizer or Andy Smith/Portishead that
they can match the dynamics of any DJ set with their live show… beat for beat.

.. Check out .. “DIVE IN YOUR LIFE” album release : June 2007


N.O.H.A. - Diskographie:


1997 N.O.H.A. „Start“ (12´´ & M-CD / Motor Music)
1997 N.O.H.A. „Who Knows“ (12´´ & M-CD / Motor Music)
1997 N.O.H.A. „Time & Vision“ (12´´ & M-CD / Motor Music)
2000 N.O.H.A. „King Of The Dancehall“ (12´´ / UNIQ032)
2001 N.O.H.A. „Set Out“ (12´´ & M-CD/ UNIQ048)
2001 N.O.H.A. „Diamonds“ (12´´ / WEA Records)
2004 N.O.H.A. “ Do you know” ( Unique)
2005 N.O.H.A. “ Balkan Hot-Step (La Baleine- Unique) (F)
2006 N.O.H.A. “Tu Café`” ( Unique)


1997 N.O.H.A. „Noise Of Human Art“ (Motor Music)
2001 N.O.H.A. „No Slack“ (WEA)
2003 N.O.H.A. „Next Plateau“ (Unique)
2006 N.O.H.A. “ Dive in your life ” (Unique)

N.O.H.A. History:

1995 - Deal with Metronome records
- Who Knows´ video shooting in Prague
1996/97 - deal with motor music
- Debut album `Noise of Human Art´
2nd single `Start´ (Remix by Optical)
1997 - Start´ no. 1 in the DCC (German Club Charts)
- video shooting for `Start´ in London
1998 - 3rd single `Time and Vision´ (Remix by Matrix)
- `Time and Vision´ no. 4 in the DCC
2000 - Deal with WEA and Unique records.
2001 -`Reflex the Move´ video on rotation in MTV Europe.
- 2nd Album `No Slack´
- Rolling Stone magazine compilation CD.
2002 - Unique compilation `Ùnique Club Culture 2´-"peking express" taken from the new album
2002-2003 At the studio & Recording a new album - " NEXT PLATEAU"
2003 - 1st single of the new album ”Balkan Hot-Step” no. 10 in DCC. & played by Gilles Peterson (BBS Radio 1 -London )
- “Balkan Hot-Step” on the Gilles Peterson´s compilation vol. 5
- “Balkan Hot-Step” no 1# on the Boris Dlugosh top 10 list
2004 - 2st single of the new album ”Do you know” no.# 2 in DCC. video on rotation in ONYX , MTV,fast forvarth
- “Balkan Hot-Step” on the international NIKE-SHOX campaign
2005 - “ Chilling” on the BBC 6 UK play list
2006 - New Album “ Dive in your life”
2007 - “Tu Café`” ( Unique) no 1# at the Radio1 (Prague) Charts

N.O.H.A Live: (selektion)

- Bourges Festival in France
– PopKomm. Kick Zone festival
– Alter Wartesaal Cologne with Grooverider, Armand van Helden and Goldie.
- Stahlwerk with Stereolab and Mouse on Mars.
- Jump into the Tunes (CH) with Goldie, J. Majik and Peshay
- Strasbourg Festival (F)
- VIVA Overdrive- VW Sound Foundation: 1 hour live in VIVA TV
- Eurospotting Festival ´98 (Kopenhagen) Live radio and Webcam airplay.
- RTL Saturday Night Show
- VIVA II : Düsseldorf live with Bell, Book & Candle and Echt
- PopKomm ´98 : Winner of the pop music contest.
- 1999 `Euroconnections Festival Prague´ filmed by MCM (F) and TV1(CZ)
- 2000 Jan. Clubtour with Blue Note(London), Club Culture and DJ Malachi (Herbalizer)
- DJ Tour with Andy Smith (Portishead)
- 2000 Bizarre Festival (D)
- PopKomm 2001 Alter Wartesaal (D)
- Rolling Stone Roadshow with Devine Comedy and Mo´ Solid Gold (D)
- 2001 Bizarre Festival (D)
- Rock am See (D)
- 2002 Asta-Uni Tour (Illmenau,Rostock,Marburg,Giessen) (D)
- The Club Salzburg (A)
- Akropolis – Prague , Fleda – Brno (CZ)
- Virus – Moscow (Ru)
- Subtropic Festival - Batumi ( Georgia)
- 2004 German Tour
– Berlin-Kino Inern., Hamburg-Fabrik ,Köln-Stadtgarten, Dortmund- Juicy Beats Festival
- Pop Komm 2004-Palast der Republik - Berlin (D)
- Nancy-Jazz Festival ( F)
- Utrecht ( NL)
- L a Palma Club– Roma (I)
- Roxy - Istanbul (Tr)
- 2005 Marseille (F)
- Legion – Moscow (RU)
- Hadivadlo – Brno (CZ)
- Akropolis - Prague(CZ)
- 2006
- Mysitc Skate- Prague(CZ)
- Electronic Beats Festival Prague (supporting Prodigy)
- Film Festival Cottbus ( D)
- 2007
– El.Beats Club Tour Lucerna Music Bar – Prague
– Fleda - Brno (CZ)
– Fabric - Ostrava
- Salamanca – (Spain)
- Roots Festival – Amsterdam (NL)
- Exit Festival – Novi Sad (Serbia)
- Espantapitas Festival Vera Almeria (Spain)
– Schauspielhaus – Düsseldorf (D )
– Fabrik Trcziny-Warashaw ( PL)
- Intern. Jazz festival Prague (CZ)

N.O.H.A. performing Balkan Hot Step at the Electronic Beats fest in Veletrzni palac in Prague 28.10. 2006; attendance aprox. 3000 ppl

Sunday, February 24, 2008

La teatru - "Nunta cu divort" si "Comedia Rosie"

Pentru ca am fost lenesoi nu am scris cand trebuia, dar scriu acum. Am fost la teatru. Prima piesa pe care am vazut-o "Nunta cu divort" - la Teatrul evreiesc, saptamanile trecute. O comedie muzicala in regia lui Dan Tudor, cu: Viorica Bantas, Marius Drogeanu, Geni Brenda, Veaceslav Grosu, Leonie Waldman Eliad, Mircea Drimbareanu, Nicolae Calugarita, Mircea Dragoman, Nicolae Predica, Mirela Nicolau.
A fost primul spectacol pe care il vedeam la Teatru Evreiesc si mi s-a parut fun sa stau toata piesa cu un receptor la ureche. Desigur nu inteleg de ce nu s-au alocat fonduri pentru inlocuirea acelor jumatati de receptoare cu niste casti decente, ieftine..Probabil sistemul cu "priza" este mai practic si vechi de cand lumea. Pentru cei care nu au fost la acest teatru trebuie sa precizez ca spectacolul este in hebrew (am scris bine?!) si ti se traduce in receptor pe care il bagi intr-o priza aflata in manerul scaunului. Foarte bun spectacol, excelenti actorii. Eu sunt oricum genul care se entuziasmeaza si care traieste diferit emotiile, dar va recomand sa mergeti.
Puteti urmari acest spectacol Miercuri 27 febr si sambata 1 martie de la orele 19.00.

"Comedia Rosie" - un spectacol la care am ras si apoi am plans. Putin, discret, sa nu ma vaza lumea. Este povestea unei familii monitorizata de securistii lui Ceasca, familia primului comunist din Romania - domnul Carceanu, ajuns la o varsta venerabila.
Am intrat in sala si in "casa" oamenilor, ne-am asezat si am inceput sa studiez fiecare props, decorul care imi aducea aminte de casele noastre de pe vremuri - casa lui Tanti Nina..O bucatarie mica, cateva vase, o oala cu smaltul sarit, o cutie portocalie de cacao, o sticla de lapte si borcanul acela de iaurt dupa care inca suspin..Bibelourile, mileurile, telefonul ascultat, tevile si caloriferul..totul asezat unde trebuie. La televizor un discurs al raposatului Nea Nicu. Domnul Carceanu locuieste cu sotia, sunt batrani si ascultandu-i vorbind imi aduc aminte vag niste conversatii auzite cand eram noi mici, acele discutii despre "stapanire" care nu aveau voie sa aiba loc.
Am ras si eu si toata sala. Pestrita adunare as zice. Oameni care au venit la teatru sa isi aduca aminte de vremurile trecute, oameni care habar nu au ce a fost si au vazut doar o comedie..
La final mi-am inghitit lacrimile si am apalaudat cu putere. Ce ne facem cand acesti actori adevarati, marii actori nu vor mai fii? Ion Lucian are o varsta, cred ca ii mai batran decat bunica si totusi joaca, este pe scena si este extraordinar.
Vorba Sargai..or sa moara toti si ramanem cu Nicoleta Luciu..

Mergeti la teatru. Eu merg rar si totusi ma bucur, ma minunez cand vad sali pline, cand vad oameni care stau pe jos, asezati pe un rucsac..

Comedie roşie de Constantin Turturică
Teatrul Naţional Bucureşti (Sala Atelier)
Regia, decorul şi ilustraţia muzicală: Alexandru Tocilescu
Costumele, asistenţa de decor şi fotografii: Cosmin Ardeleanu
Cu: Ion Lucian, Sanda Toma, Alexandru Bindea, Marius Rizea, Ioan Andrei Ionescu, Raluca Petra, §erban Ionescu, Alexandru Georgescu, Marcelo Sebastian Cobzariu, Ion Ionuţ Ciocia, Mihai Perşa, Oana Vînătoru

Btw - am citit la Alex Brie ca biletul este destul de tot zic sa mergeti la teatru:)

Friday, February 22, 2008

Razboiul lui Charlie Wilson

Am fost ieri la film si am vazut povestea lui Charlie Wilson - un film bazat pe o poveste reala despre cum s-au pompat bani intr-un razboi..Charlie este interpreat de Tom Hanks si regia filmului Mike Nichols.

Colm Toibin "The story of the night"

"She wanted me to have friends, to move around in groups, but in some deeper manner which I have never understood she taught me to distrust people, to want to slip away and spend time alone. She hated me going to the movies on my own. Do you not have a friend, she would ask. In my first year at the university I did have a friend, who was studying economics, and who approached me one day and asked me to teach him English. His parents would pay, he said. I met him three times a week for lessons. His name was Jorge Canetto and he became important for me then because I fell in love with him and thought about him all the time. I loved how tall and strong he was, and how strangely blue his eyes were against the darkness of his hair and his skin. I loved the slow ease with which he smiled, the softness in him.
My mother noticed that I was happier, and asked me if I had a girlfriend. I told her that I did not. She laughed, as though the possibility caused her infinite mirth, and said I had, I had, she knew I had, and she would find out soon, someone would tell her the girl's name. Soon, she would know, she said. I told her again that I did not.
At five o'clock three days a week in an empty classroom in the university I taught Jorge English. A few times he came to the apartment and I gave him the lesson in the dining room, my mother hovering in the hallway. I taught him how to ask questions in the present tense, I made him learn vocabulary. And I listened for some clue that he might understand. That is the word they use here. Entender. To understand. There are other words too, but this one is still common. ?Entendes? you could ask and this would mean Do you? Are you? Will you? "

O poveste trista a unui om care ascunde ceva..Pentru ca in ultimele luni am tot fost in contact cu oameni care au acelasi secret, lecturararea acestei carti nu face decat sa ma doara de fiecare data cand "ma incalt in pantofii lor".
Este o carte pe care o recomand unor oameni foarte dragi mie..

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Quantic Soul Orchestra

Pe 25 martie QSO vor concerta la Bucuresti (
"Odata cu lansarea ultimului album QSO "Tropidelico", ce este un showcase de sunete direct din ascunzatoarea columbiana a lui Quantic, aruncate intr-un stil Latino American, e timpul ca acesti baieti sa plece inca o data in turneu.La fel cum s-a intamplat si in trecut, QSO in 2008 va contine un numar de noi artisti ce vor forma line-up-ul.Backbone-ul Malcolm Catto la tobe, Jack Yglesias la percutii, Jamie Eastman la bass, si desigur Will Holland la chitara vor primi condimentele cele mai speciale odata cu aducerea unul al doilea percusionist, legendarul pianist peruvian Alfredo Linares, si frumoasa Noelle Scaggs din The Rebirth, la voce. Tropidelico este indiscutabil albumul cel mai bun al QSO pana la aceasta data, in timp ce, ramanand cel putin la fel de funky ca in trecut, Will Holland reuseste sa-si mareasca calitatile muzicale. Aceasta a fost posibila doar prin cautarile si munca depusa de acesta alaturi de cativa din cei mai de seama muzicieni ai lumi.Tropidelico a fost inregistrat si produs in Columbia si include aparitii precum a rapper-ului american J-Live, Noelle scaggs,Alfredo Linares, Kabir, Javier Rivera & Hector Sotomayer si cel mai funky tobosar al UK, Malcolm Catto."

The Quantic Soul Orchestra is a side project of Will Holland (more commonly known as Quantic) which focuses on reviving a dusty funk and jazz sound. The Quantic Soul Orchestra have released three albums "Stampede", "Pushin' On" and "Tropidelico" as well as a collaboration with renowned funk and soul artist Spanky Wilson to create the album entitled "I'm Thankful"

Enjoy -

Flama Events (

Monday, February 4, 2008

Ugress - new album

Multumita unui om drag de cateva zile noul album Ugress.
Ii puteti auzi aici:
Despre ei puteti sa cititi aici :
Blue Magnetic Monkey..
thank you Bjorker:) luv.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Restul e tacere

Din 7 martie pe marile ecrane ultimul film al dl. Nae Caranfil. Ce sa zic?! Mie mi s-a facut parul asa maciuca pe maini, doara ma stiti sensibila..
Sper ca romanul sa iasa din casa si sa mearga la cinema, sa se bucure de actorii nostri, de munca unei echipe..
Sunt filme pe care trebuie sa le vezi pe ecran MARE. Si eu simtesc ca aista e unul din ele.
Bravo Dl. Caranfil! Excelent subiect:)
Bravo echipei:)Multumim Branzoveneskului pentru ca ne-a adus aceasta bucurie in ceas de seara:))

Citand-o pe Sharga va zic: plecaciune maxima in fata lui Caranfil.

Nim's Island

Wall*E vs. Kung Fu Panda

In iunie 2007 Disney si Pixar ne regaleaza cu o noua productie, Wall*E.
Walle e un robotel, mai multe despre povestea lui aici:

Si desigur, tot la vara Dreamwork ne aduc Kung Fu Panda:

Hihih! Ce bucurie!