Friday, September 28, 2007

Soundtrack of my life

Nu as vrea sa traiesc fara sa ma hranesc cu un film bun, o piesa buna. Am asa: starea si muzica. Vreau sa alerg. Ma enerveaza masina mea care ma tine departe de oameni, dar o iubesc pentru ca in ea suntem doar eu si muzica. Si gandurile mele.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Manu Chao - noul album

Frumos. Exact cum ma asteptam. Nu am cautat noutatea. Exista lucruri care sunt frumoase asa cum sunt ele, nu trebuie sa se schimbe, nu trebuie sa evolueze. Le iubim pentru ca sunt pur si simplu. Asa e cu Manu.
Am ascultat toata ziua acest nou album. Cantat in engleza, italiana, franceza, spaniola. Cum ma asteptam.

Favorita mea:

A Cosa Manu Chao lyrics
Artist: Manu Chao
Album: La Radiolina
Year: 2007

Che cosa?
Che cosa?

Che cosa vuoi da me?
Che cosa vuoi ancora?
Che cosa vuoi di piů?

Che cosa vuoi da me?
Che cosa posso dare?
Che cosa inventare?

Qu'est ce que tu veux de moi?
Che cosa vuoi di piů?
Qu'est ce que tu veux de moi?

Che cosa vuoi provare?
Che cosa vuoi tentare?
Che cosa vuoi spezzare?

Qu'est ce que tu veux de moi?
Che cosa vuoi di piů?
Qu'est ce que tu veux de moi?
Qu'est ce que tu veux de moi?

Che cosa vuoi sognare? (Che cosa vuoi lasciare?)
Che cosa vuoi tentare? (Che cosa inventare?)
Che cosa vuoi ancora?
Che cosa vuoi ancora?
Che cosa vuoi capire? (Che cosa vuoi ancora?)
Che cosa vuoi tentare? (Che cosa?)

Qu'est ce que tu veux de moi?
Qu'est ce que tu veux de moi?
Che cosa vuoi di piů?
Che cosa vuoi di piů?

Qu'est ce que tu veux de moi?
Todos, todos.

Por tuo amor, por tuo amor,
todo lo daría.

Fericirea e marca inregistrata

Dupa premiera de la Green Hours si absenta de la Gala "Hop" organizata de UNITER, spectacolul “Fericirea e marca inregistrata” va pleca la Braila pentru a participa la un eveniment in scopuri caritabile.
Pe 3 septembrie, “Fericirea e marca inregistrata” trebuia sa se joace la Mangalia, dar din pacate, reprezentatia nu a mai fost posibila. Vicepresedintele UNITER si directorul Galei Tanarului Actor, eveniment anual organizat de UNITER la Mangalia, cunoscutul regizor Cornel Todea, a motivat absenta din program a spectacolului, cu galanteria-i binecunoscuta, ca fiind urmare a conditiilor meteo nefavorabile care ar fi impiedicat trupa sa ajunga in timp util la Mangalia. Era numai o parte din adevar. Trupa nu a putut intr-adevar sa ajunga la Mangalia, dar nu din cauza conditiilor meteo, ci din cauza unui scurtcircuit de comunicare intre trupa Flower Power–care a pus in scena spectacolul, sustinand dealtfel si restul campaniei de promovare a acestuia si UNITER. Trupa fusese anuntata ca va juca pe 3 septembrie, dar spectacolul fusese trecut in programul Galei pe 2 septembrie, lucru pe care actorii l-au aflat abia pe 2 septembrie dimineata.
Mai multe aici.

Manu Chao - La Radiolina

fara comentarii. Viena e aproape. Berlin nu suna rau deloc..

Credeam ca am deja scris despre ultimul Michel Buble..

Noul album Michael Buble, „Call Me Irresponsible” a aparut la inceputul lui mai 2007 si contine 11 piese clasice cum ar fi „I've Got The World On A String”, „Call Me Irresponsible”, „Me & Mrs Jones”, dar si doua piese originale, dintre care si primul single intitulat „Everything”. Acesta a fost produs de Alan Chang & Amy Foster-Gillies, cei care au stat in spatele hitului „Home” din 2005. De asemenea, piesa a fost remixata de celebrii David Foster & Humberto Gattica. „Call Me Irresponsible” este cel mai bun material al lui Buble, care ramane fidel devizei-totul pentru entertainment.


01.The Best Is Yet To Come
02.It Had Better Be Tonight (Meglio Stasera)
03.Me And Mrs. Jones
04.I'm Your Man
05.Comin' Home Baby (duet with Boyz II Men)
07.Call Me Irresponsible
08.Wonderful Tonight (duet with Ivan Lins)
10.I've Got The World On A String
11.Always On My Mind
12.That's Life

The Smashing Pumpkins - Zeitgeist

The Smashing Pumpkins este o trupa americana de rock alternativ care s-a format in Chicago, in 1988. Dupa numeroase schimbari in componenta, actualii membri ai trupei sunt Billy Corgan (voce, chitara), James Iha (chitara, voce), D’arcy Wretzky (bass, voce) si Jimmy Chamberlin (tobe, percutie). Ca stil muzical ei combina mai multe elemente cum ar fi gothic rock, heavy metal, dream pop sau progressive rock, reusind sa creeze piese puternice care au avut un mare impact asupra publicului. The Smashing Pumpkins au cunoscut succesul odata cu albumul “Siamese Dream” din 1993. Trupa si-a consolidat reputatia prin turnee si prin materiale de calitate cum ar fi “Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness,” din 1995 care a debutat direct pe prima pozitie in topul Billboard. Cu peste 18 milioane de albume vandute in toata lumea, The Smashing Pumpkins a devenit una dintre cele mai bine vandute trupe ale anilor ’90. Din cauza certurilor dintre membri si a problemelor legate de consumul de droguri trupa s-a destramat in 2000. Insa in aprilie 2006, baietii au anuntat oficial o revenire pe scena muzicala, declarand ca lucreaza la un nou album. Acesta se numeste “Zeitgeist” si a fost lansat pe 10 iulie 2007. Primul single, “Tarantula” este promovat incepand cu 21 mai. Pe noul album, trupa lucreaza foarte mult cu chitarile, intorcandu-se la perioada clasica a rockului. “Acest album spune multe despre ceea ce s-a intamplat in lume in ultimii ani. Incalzirea globala, atentatele de la 9/11, toate au afectat oamenii intr-un mod radical. S.U.A este forta care domina lumea. Daca ceva merge rau aici, toata lumea este rascolita. Dar poate ca mai exista inca scapare pentru noi. Soarele va rasari din nou”, a declarat solistul Billy Corgan.

1."Doomsday Clock" – 3:41
2."7 Shades of Black" – 3:15
3."Bleeding the Orchid" – 3:58
4."That's the Way (My Love Is)" – 3:44
5."Tarantula" – 3:47
6."Starz" – 3:41
7."United States" – 9:50
8."Neverlost" – 4:13
9."Bring the Light" – 3:35
10."(Come On) Let's Go!" – 3:15
11."For God and Country" – 4:51
12."Pomp and Circumstances" – 4:18
Alma Artex

Mazzy Star

Though Mazzy Star have managed the neat trick of updating psychedelia for the 1990s without sounding dated, if you're looking for blissed-out music with a happy smile on its face, you might want to think twice before taking the plunge.
When guitarist David Roback wraps his shards of feedback and drawn-out crescendos of reverb and distortion around Hope Sandoval's laconic vocal delivery, the results can indeed be trance-inducing. But their music is as much a disengagement from real life as an investigation of alternate realities, and the druggy states they evoke are comfortably numb rather than euphoric.

Mazzy Star's roots in the California Paisley Underground movement of the 1980s are deep. Roback, along with his brother Steve, was one of the main architects of leading LA psychedelic revival band, the Rain Parade. Leaving that band after their first LP, he founded the dreamier Opal in the mid-1980s with ex- Dream Syndicate bassist Kendra Smith. Opal's quasi-psychedelic ruminations, with their guitar drones and hints of blues and folk, weren't far off the map that Mazzy Star would follow, and indeed Roback met Sandoval through Smith, who was a friend of Hope's.
Sandoval, still in high school at the time, was playing in a duo called Going Home with Sylvia Gomez; Kendra was impressed enough to make a tape of their music and pass it on to Roback, who produced a still-unreleased album by the pair.

When Smith left Opal under cloudy circumstances in the middle of an American tour with The Jesus & Mary Chain, Sandoval was tapped as her replacement. After that tour and a jaunt through Europe were completed, Opal disbanded, and Roback and Sandoval decided to continue collaborating in Mazzy Star.
Though theoretically a full band, Mazzy Star is very much Roback and Sandoval's show. They write all of the material, and although other musicians (including ex-Clay Allison drummer Keith Mitchell) are given minimal credits (no instruments are listed) on their albums, their backing players remain virtually anonymous to the public.

Their 1990 debut on Rough Trade, She Hangs Brightly, was a post-punk take on the kind of dark, long-winded psychedelia practised by The Doors on "The End", as well as the hypnotic massive guitar drone woven by The Velvet Underground on "What Goes On". That's only about half of Mazzy Star's world, though; most of the rest of their material is devoted to dusty, haunting acoustic-flavoured ballads with heavy blues and folk elements, often giving Roback a chance to stretch his chops on slide guitar. Sandoval's detached, sing-speak vocals betray a bit of a country-folk twang, but are seemingly less concerned with piloting the songs than reflecting their fuzzy, sedate states of free association.

The American branch of Rough Trade folded in 1991, but Mazzy Star's contract was picked up by Capitol, who re-issued the first album and put out the follow-up, So Tonight That I Might See (1993). Similar to the debut, but a bit more forceful in construction and execution, the emphasis remains on mood and texture, rather than melodic variety or clever messages. That's both an attraction and a hindrance: the languorous laments and pulsating waves of guitars can be very seductive, but the lack of diversity can also become monotonous, and the stress of form over content can disguise a hollow emotional core. Roback and Sandoval might do better to devote more space to the melancholy of their acoustic laments, and less to driving around the cul-de-sac of slow-burning guitar drones.

A year after its release, So Tonight That I Might See yielded an unexpected hit single, the wispy "Fade Into You". The album, seemingly destined for the cut-out bin, began an unexpected ascent into the US Top 40, and Mazzy Star were suddenly stars in sales as well as name. Make that anti-stars: Roback and Sandoval are notoriously difficult interview subjects, responding to most questions with monosyllables or silence. Their subsequent release, Among My Swan (1996) confirmed them as out-and-out champions of the mournful – their brooding, enigmatic public personas seem less a cultivated pose than a complement to the shadowy, brooding mystery of their simultaneously frustrating and entrancing soundscapes.

Sandoval made her solo debut in 2001 with Bavarian Fruit Bread ostensibly backed by the Warm Inventions, though really this is a pairing with Colm O'Ciosoig (once of My Bloody Valentine) with folk legend Bert Jansch popping up with his six string on the beautiful "Butterfly Mornings" and "Charlotte". Largely written by Sandoval, this plunges further into a languidly erotic, narcoleptic haze than even Mazzy Star could manage, the latter's spacey guitar rejected as possibly too energetic for the collection's country/folk saturated sleepiness. Adorable.

Rough Guides to Rock.
First edition published Aug 96 / Nov 96 (USA).

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Brother Lee - citizen cope

On the highway
On the freeway
In the airport
In the airplane
In the airtrain

In Brooklyn U.S.A.
To a Tinsel Town
Where now
What the Dodgers play

And where they fired it
Where they tried it
Where they doubled it
Where they tripled it
Where they flippin' it

And where the car's parked
where the girls dance naked
Where they know when you're fakin' it

And where the rubber meets the road yea
Where the hot meets the cold
Poor meet the soul
Where the young meet the old
Truth be told
I got somethin' on my mind
Y'all gotta know

I got a brother named Lee
Look just like me
He gotta lotta enemies
Got a brother named Lee
Look just like me
Both sides of the Mississippi

On the highway
On the freeway
In the airport
On the airtrain
In the airplane

In Brooklyn U.S.A.
To the Tinsel Town
Where now
What the Dodgers play

And when they're searchin' for something
That you will never find
When they lookin' at her and say 'so fine'
When they keep saying it was suicide
When they never seen that look in her father's eye

Where the rubber meet the road
Where the hot meet the cold
The spirit meet the soul
The young meet the old
I say truth be told
I got somethin' on my mind
Y'all gotta know

I got a brother named Lee
Look just like me
He gotta lotta enemies
Got a brother named Lee
Looks just like me
Both sides of the Mississippi

Both sides of the Mississippi yea
Both sides of the Mississippi yea
Both sides
Both sides
Both sides of the Mississippi yea

Citizen Cope

My new favorite song "Brother Lee". Sa zicem ca un spot e bun daca il simti intr-un fel. Unii simt imaginea, unii - ca mine simt muzica. Si vad altfel spotul. Oricum nu imi pasa ce produs se vinde de fapt. Ma intereseaza sa fie bine filmat, lumina buna, actor muzica. Muzica mi se pare definitorie. Mai ca mi-as face un abonament:))

Citizen Cope - The band is led by Clarence Greenwood. "Citizen Cope" is a pseudonym of Clarence Greenwood, keyboardist, guitarist, singer, DJ, and record producer, and the name of the band that he leads. Citizen Cope now lives in Brooklyn, New York.Born in Memphis, Tennessee, Greenwood started his musical career as a DJ for the hip hop act Basehead, a group that would have a significant impact on his style as a solo-musician. Citizen Cope blends many genres of music, such as folk, blues, hip hop, rock, and R & B. Greenwood first released a demo tape under the name Cope Citizen in the late '90s. He would follow up the release of the demo by donating songs to several independently issued compilations, movie soundtracks, as well as appearing on several fellow artist's albums.In 2000 Greenwood signed with the DreamWorks Records label, which released his first album in September 2002, Citizen Cope. Greenwood toured to promote the record as an opener for Nelly Furtado. He performed at the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival in Indio, California, in 2002.After the release of Citizen Cope, Greenwood felt the label "mishandled" the record, creating tension between the two. The tension prompted Greenwood to buy out his contract with the label, using the advance he received from his next label, Arista Records and RCA Records, to do so.In September of 2004, Citizen Cope released his second record, The Clarence Greenwood Recordings, which earned him much critical success as well as minor touring success as an opening act for a popular touring band, Robert Randolph & the Family Band.

De cand am auzit piesa asta nu mi-o scot din cap.
Reviu cu un post cu piesa si versurile..

Dupa ea - personal opinion

Dupa ce am ascultat-o pe Alexandra Olivotto la radio si ea a zis in mare "de rau" despre aceasta pelicula, am mers totusi sa vedem. Caci e bine sa vezi ce se mai face in Romania la capitolul cinematografie (cu bani de la Cnc si cu sprijin de la o agentie de publicitate, ca doar Stefan eroul nostru lucraza in agentie)
Si cum suntem oarecum familiari cu experientele cinemato/publicitare, ne-am inarmat cu ochiul soacrei si am purces la criticat. Povestea cu naluca nu-i rea, dar este asa de previzibil tot ce se petrece.. Sunt totusi doua chestii care salveaza acest film: Dragos Bucur - care nu a fost "el" (asa a zis Clementte!) pana la cadrele asa de americanesti cu personajul in masina, tras pe dreapta, in fata unui urias bilboard - in cate filme am vazut asta?!?!? si desigur maestrul Victor Rebenciuc - Nea Petrica.
Bucur este un actor. Asa cum trebuie sa fie un actor. Mi-a lipsit putin Vasluianu din povestea asta, voi ce credeti?
Mi-a placut cum s-a filmat asa cool, sub apa si cum a sesizat Clementte ca astia i-au acoperit tatuajul!! Despre Dragos numai de bine. Cred ca putem sa fim mandrii ca avem si noi cativa actori pe care eu cu drag ii trec la categoria "complet". Actor complet.

In rest despre casting - Anca Florea - fata asta este o frumoasa, dar nu pot sa nu o vad ca in spotul Wash and Go. Parca are o stampila.. (wash and go era, nu?)
De fapt tot filmul mi se pare o lunga reclama mascata la Mango, Neoset, bulion Regal si desigur Hyundai! Apai e un cadru asa frumos in film! Numai bun de reclama. Si se vede numele in clar, frumos:))
Anca Florea nu pare o tanara mama. Este slaba si firava. Iar copilul..fetita este si ea o frumusete insa nu are nici o treaba cu actoria inca. Replicile sunt usor stupide, nu asa vorbim acasa! Parca numai Bucur stie sa fie si tata si golan si betiv! Iar chestia cu numele copilului..Da-o pisici de treaba - Toto?? Pai ce, e catel? Sunt o multime de nume frumoase de fetite. Toto?!
Restul personajelor sunt .. de netinut minte. Din pacate.

Valentina este o frumoasa. Nu cred ca prestatia ei este un rol. Mie imi place de ea oricum, mi se pare un om care a ajuns undeva provenind dintr-o familie modesta. A muncit si a fost bine inzestrata de natura. Fata asta nu e actrita.. chiar si ea a declarat asta. Este doar un vis de fata. Ca si in film. Deci uite inca o alegere buna.
Dana Nalbaru mi s-a parut imbatranita.. Ori make-up a fost prost aplicat/ales. In loc sa ii estompeze "laba gastii", mai ales la close-up, fata noastra avea pe fatza tone de pudra.
Freza invechita, hainele aiurea alese. Pai un pic de research se cerea inainte de filmare, zic. In agentii fetele se imbraca frumos, cu gust. Imaginea e totul, se stie. Iar aia cu facutul de cafea m-a spart:)) In fine, film, zicem..
Povestea. Povestea nu are nimic care sa te atzatze. Eu am vazut aceast film catalogat ca Drama altfel. Pentru mine a fost o comedie de situatie. Atat. Cu un iz de telenovela.
Revin la copil! Mai oameni buni, eu vad zeci de fetite la casting. Copilul asta este o frumusete repet, dar nu avea ce cauta in aceasta poveste. Este o fetita durdulie, clar nu o trimiti la balet ( ma ierte mamele din lumea intreaga, dar am vazut numai fetite rotunjoare la balet, nu inteleg..). Nu semana deloc cu niciunul dintre "parinti".. deloc. El brunet, ochi caprui, fatza osoasa, ea slaba, piele alba, nearga la par, ochii albastrii. Copilul maronel, par usor ondulat, ochii verzi albastrii. Al cui e copilul??
Insa!!! de ce am zis ca acest film este o comedie - Marius Vintila! Nu am mai comentat live un film si ras atat de multa vreme. Pe 94.8, la un post de radio se tine o emisiune. Care nu e delimitata in timp si spatiu. Vintila este prezentatorul forever. Indiferent de ora, zi sau noapte. El are aceasta emisiune ineractiva. O emisiune in care Vintila zice cu "natiune", ca Gheorghe pe vremuri (remember?). Pe Marius il suna diverse voci care povestesc tot felul de mascari. Cu niste voci cu numai voice overele stiu sa aiba! Cand vreodata se aude asa la radio, in direct, un ascultator??? Am ras cu lacrimi. Multe greseli in filmul asta.
Sunetul foarte prost facut. Muzica specifica filmelor romanesti. Adica proasta. Kana Hashimoto minunata ca de obicei. Mi-a placut sticluta aia magica pe care a folosit-o ca sa il execute pe Bucur, pardon Stefan. Care Stefan nu m-am prins eu de fapt ce era el in agentie?! Account? Copy? Creativ?? Si Andrei Aradits, zis George in film ce era? Fost sef pe jobul ala, aha. Oricum eu zic ca Aradits ar fii putut da multa savoare filmului. Asa bine il prind pe baiatul asta rolurile de rau...
In agentia m-a enervat o CARTE. Cartea cu ADVERTISINGUL. Rol important. Asa este in TOATE agentiile, nu? Pe perete au un poster pe care scrie clar PUBLICITATE, ca sa stie lumea ce fac ei acolo. Si pe fiecare birou, masa, colt de zid, peste tot zace, trista in prista marea carte cu coperta rosie a ADVERTISINGULUI. Una la inceput de cadru, asa usor out of focus, si inca una identica desigur, la Stefan / Bucur pe birou.
Mi-a placut. Pentru ca am ras. As fi vrut sa se intample ceva cu el si cu Naluca. Povestea lor se termina ciudat. El, tatal este salvat de copil. Si se intoarca la familie. Nu tu un contact cu naluca, nu un pupat, nimic..
O poveste cum nu este. Barbatii sau noi, femeile nu ne lasam asa nalucile balta! Ii cautam pana ii gasim, ne imprietenim cu ei si apoi ne vedem de viata. Pai ce poveste e asta? Cum sa se termine asa?
Ah! Da, am uitat. El trebuia sa mearga acasa la sotie, care plangea si deci plangeau si bebelusii in burta. Si daca ea mai plange o sa moara.

Eu ma duc in camera mea sa ma gandeasc.

PS - RALOS???Cum Ralos frate?! Alt nume mai creativ asa nu s-a gasit?! Inteleg, e filmul de acum 2 ani, dar orisicat..RALOS? Ca brandul ala cu produse de par KALOS?? Si ce e aia RALOS????

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Los Amantes Del Circulo Polar

Clementte recomanda numai filme bune. Mi-a dat Los Amantes de o gramada de vreme, insa am vazut balarii si am uitat de acest film.
Asa ca azi este ziua Amantilor de la Cercul Polar.

Povestea: Ana si Otto sunt doi pusti de cam 8 ani care intr-o zi se cunosc la iesirea de la scoala. Clasic deja la filmele de gen povestea este impartita - incepem cu capitolul Otto:)
In acelasi timp cu intalnirea lor se naste o poveste secreta de iubire - si ei se vor regasi multi ani dupa, in Finlanda, chiar la Cercul Polar.
Filmul este povestea frumoasa si trista a iubiri celor doi, de la prima lor intalnire pana peste ani.

Múm - magic stuff

múm (se pronunta "moom")

Since their foundation in 1998, múm have forged a sublimely bright, warm and rich take on electronica, imprinting it with their own unique sound and character. What sets the band apart from so many of their peers is both their strong, playfully haunted melodies, and sorcerous integration of analogue and digital technologies. Playing an assortment of instruments and percussion alongside some crisply programmed electronic washes, beats, dingdongs and beep-beeps as well as found sounds and field recordings, the band’s talent, inventiveness and nose for musical exploration is immediately audible.

Their first release, a split 10" with the girl-band Spúnk saw light in the summer of '98 and following a number of collaborative projects, the group’s celebrated debut album 'Yesterday Was Dramatic, Today Is OK' (reissued by Morr Music in October 2005) gained a wealth of glowing press and widespread praise. A remix project, 'Please Smile My Noise Bleed', also released on the Morr Music label in November 2001. Their FatCat debut, 'Finally We Are No-One', was released in May 2002 and followed by a plethora of tours taking the band many times around the world, dazzling the crowds by re-creating their recorded works with the main focus being on live instrumentation, accompanied by the more common site within electronic sets, the laptop (music-calculator). The band's second FatCat album, 'Summer Make Good' was released in May 2004, flanked by two singles, 'Nightly Cares' and 'Dusk Log'.

Since their debut múm have also written and performed their own soundtrack for the classic Sergei Eisenstein film, 'Battleship Potemkin', live performances of which have taken place in Hafnafjordur Iceland, Brooklyn Lyceum New York USA, and at the distinguished Gijon Film Festival Spain. They composed music for a radio play on Icelandic National radio 'Svefnhjólið' (Sleeping Wheel) by Gyrdir Eliasson, winning the Nordic Radio-theater prize. In 2005 they were invited to Amsterdam by the Holland Festival to collaborate with the National Dutch Chamber Orchestra to create a performance piece based around various compositions of the late avant-garde composer Iannis Xenakis for one of the centre piece shows at the festival.

The start of 2006 saw the bands creativity start to blossom once again, starting with two remixes Goldfrapp of the tracks ‘number one’ and ‘never know’. They followed this with two legendary DJ sets at the FatCat Festival in Belgium in February and at this years SXSW in Austin Texas. With a combination of decks, effects, laptops, toy microphones, old cassette player recordings and vocals, coupled with their own recorded material, strange electronic covers by friends, gypsy folk music and general craziness on stage, the DJ sets made such an impact, the band is now putting together a DJ mix cd due for release in 2007. They were also subsequently invited DJ at this years Summer Sonic Festival in Japan as well as be headline act in Radio 1’s Rob Da Bank tent at Bestival on the Isle of Wight. During 2006, they have also written and recorded a brand new album "Go Go Smear The Poison Ivy" which is due for release around September 2007 on FatCat Records. This will follow following the release of the Peel Sessions that múm recorded in 2002 for the BBC. The sessions will be released on Fat Cat Records in December and includes live versions of the tracks “Scratched Bicycle / Smell Memory”, “Awake On A Train” “Now Theres That Fear Again”, “The Ballad Of the Broken String”.

Currently múm are founding members Gunnar Örn Tynes and Örvar Þóreyjarson Smárason and for touring and recording, this line-up is expanded to include their friends Ólöf Arnalds (violin / viola / guitar / vocals), Eiríkur Orri Olafsson (trumpet / pianette / moog / whistling), Hildur Gudnadottir (cello / vocals), mr.Silla (Vocals / various) and Finlander, Samuli Kosminen (drums / percussion)

FatCat Discography
Múm - Go Go Smear The Poison Ivy
Múm - They Made Frogs Smoke 'til They Exploded
Múm - Peel Session
Múm - Dusk Log
Metaphrog / Hey / Múm - Dreams Never Die
Múm - Summer Make Good
Múm - Nightly Cares
Múm - Finally We Are No one
Múm - Green Grass Of Tunnel
Mice Parade / V/Vm / Múm - E-RMX 2
Related News Articles
Múm Single Released Today - 28/08/07
Free Múm Cd With Every European Website Order - 28/08/07
Múm Announce European Tour - 16/08/07
New Múm Video Online At You Tube - 14/08/07
Tom Brosseau to tour USA with Múm - 30/07/07
Múm Cloth Bags Back In Stock - 27/07/07
Múm Live Video From Primavera Sound - 11/07/07
Múm announce all USA tourdates - 22/06/07
Listen to new Múm track at Pitchfork and Myspace - 14/06/07
Free 2007 Fatcat Sampler - 22/05/07
Related Links
Múm - Noisedfisk
Múm - Random Summer
Morr Music
Múm - Myspace Site

Monday, September 3, 2007

The Notebook

Atat am plans la filmul cred ca daca l-as vedea azi, as plange si azi. Si maine, si de cate ori l-as revedea.

Match Point

- de cate ori o vad pe Scarleta imi aduc aminte de filme cu ea, pe care le-am iubit:)

Hugh Jackman

Hugh Michael Jackman (born 12 October 1968) is an Australian film producer, and film, television and stage actor, known for playing Wolverine in X-Men and its sequels, and for his Tony Award-winning performance on Broadway in The Boy from Oz.

Jackman married actress Deborra-Lee Furness in April 1996. They met on the set of his first TV acting job in Correlli, an Australian television program. Jackman played an angry prisoner who fell in love with his counsellor, played by Furness. The couple suffered through two miscarriages, after which they adopted two children, son Oscar Maximillian (b. May 15, 2000) and daughter Ava Eliot (b. July 10, 2005). They currently live in Melbourne. Jackman personally designed an engagement ring for Furness, and their wedding rings bore the Sanskrit inscription "Om paramar mainamar," translated by Furness as "we dedicate our union to a greater source".[2]
In 2005, Jackman joined with longtime assistant John Palermo to form a production company, Seed Productions, whose first project will be Wolverine in 2008. Furness is also involved in the company, and Palermo had three rings made with an inscription meaning "unity" for himself, Furness, and Jackman. [3] About the trio's collaboration Jackman reports "I'm very lucky in the partners I work with in my life, Deb and John Palermo. It really works. We all have different strengths. I love it. It's very exciting"

If You Could See Me Now (2007) (announced)
Rebound Guy (2007) (announced) (in negotiations)
Wolverine (2009) (pre-production) .... Logan/Wolverine Australia (2008) (filming)
The Tourist (2007) (completed) .... Wyatt

"Viva Laughlin" .... Nicky Fontana (1 episode, 2007)
- Pilot (2007) TV Episode .... Nicky Fontana
Happy Feet (2006) (voice) .... Memphis
Flushed Away (2006) (voice) .... Roddy
The Prestige (2006) .... Robert Angier
The Fountain (2006) .... Tomas/Tommy/Dr. Tom Creo
Scoop (2006) .... Peter Lyman
X-Men: The Last Stand (2006) .... Logan/Wolverine
... aka X-Men 3 (Singapore: English title) (USA: working title)
... aka X3 (International: English title: informal short title) (USA: promotional abbreviation)
X-Men: The Official Game (2006) (VG) (voice) .... Logan/Wolverine
Stories of Lost Souls (2006) .... Roger (segment Standing Room Only)
... aka Historias de almas perdidas (Argentina: DVD title)
Van Helsing (2004) .... Van Helsing
Van Helsing: The London Assignment (2004) (V) (voice) .... Gabriel Van Helsing
... aka Van Helsing Animated
Making the Grade (2004) (TV) .... Mr. Slattery
Standing Room Only (2004/I) .... Roger
X2 (2003) .... Logan/Wolverine
... aka X-Men 2 (Singapore: English title) (USA: working title)
... aka X-2 (USA: poster title)
... aka X-Men 2: X-Men United (USA: promotional title)
... aka X2: X-Men United (USA: promotional title)
Kate & Leopold (2001) .... Leopold
"Saturday Night Live" .... Host (1 episode, 2001)
... aka NBC's Saturday Night (USA: first season title)
... aka SNL (USA: informal title)
... aka SNL 25 (USA: alternative title)
... aka Saturday Night (USA: second season title)
... aka Saturday Night Live '80 (USA: sixth season title)
- Hugh Jackman/Mick Jagger (2001) TV Episode .... Host
Swordfish (2001) .... Stanley Jobson
Someone Like You... (2001) .... Eddie Alden
... aka Animal Attraction (UK)
X-Men (2000) .... Logan/Wolverine

... aka X-Men 1.5 (USA: DVD box title)

dar eu aici il iubesc mult..pentru ca e cu EA:)

Ryan Gosling - din noua generatie

Ryan Thomas Gosling (born November 12, 1980) is an Academy Award-nominated Canadian actor from London, Ontario. He is best known for his roles in The Notebook, Half Nelson and Fracture.

Am vazut toate cele trei filme cu tanarul. Si ii prevad un viitor depinde desigur si de preferintele lui in materie de femei:))

Adam Sandler

I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry (2007) .... Charles 'Chuck' Levine - excelenta comedie!
Reign Over Me (2007) .... Charlie Fineman - drama, rol f. bun, super film
Click (2006/I) .... Michael Newman - dragut
Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo (2005) (uncredited) .... Javier Sandooski - foarte dragut
The Longest Yard (2005) .... Paul Crewe - foarte dragut
Spanglish (2004) .... John Clasky - o poveste asa de frumoasa, despre o prietenie asa de frumoasa
50 First Dates (2004) .... Henry Roth - mumos, mumos,
Blossoms & Blood (2003) (V) .... Barry Egan -
Couch (2003) (TV) .... Couch Testing Man
Anger Management (2003) .... Dave Buznik - the best:))
The Hot Chick (2002) (uncredited) .... Mambuza Bongo Guy - foarte dragut
Mr. Deeds (2002) .... Longfellow Deeds - frumos
Punch-Drunk Love (2002) .... Barry Egan = foarte frumos
The Animal (2001) .... Townie
Little Nicky (2000) .... Nicky - asa si asa

Big Daddy (1999/I) .... Sonny Koufax
The Waterboy (1998) .... Robert 'Bobby' Boucher Jr.
Dirty Work (1998) (uncredited) .... Satan
... aka Sale boulot (Canada: French title)
The Wedding Singer (1998) .... Robbie - super haios
Bulletproof (1996) .... Archie Moses
Happy Gilmore (1996) .... Happy Gilmore - frumosssssss
Billy Madison (1995) .... Billy Madison
Mixed Nuts (1994) .... Louie ... aka Lifesavers
Airheads (1994) .... Pip
Coneheads (1993) .... Carmine
Shakes the Clown (1992) .... Dink the Clown

Steve Martin

The Pink Panther (2006) .... Clouseau - vazut, super
Cheaper by the Dozen 2 (2005) .... Tom Baker - vazut, super
Shopgirl (2005) .... Ray Porter - vazut, super
Cheaper by the Dozen (2003) .... Tom Baker - vazut, super
Looney Tunes: Back in Action (2003) .... Mr. Chairman - nu stiu ce e..
Bringing Down the House (2003) .... Peter Sanderson - vazut, super
Novocaine (2001) .... Dr. Frank Sangster - nu stiu ce e..caut
Joe Gould's Secret (2000) .... Charlie Duell - nu stiu, caut
Bowfinger (1999) .... Bobby Bowfinger - vazut, super
The Out-of-Towners (1999) .... Henry Clark - nu stiu ce e
The Prince of Egypt (1998) (voice) .... Hotep - da, frumos
The Spanish Prisoner (1997) .... Julian 'Jimmy' Dell
Sgt. Bilko (1996) .... Master Sergeant Ernest G. Bilko ... aka Sergeant Bilko - Super film!
Father of the Bride Part II (1995) .... George Banks - my favorite:)
Mixed Nuts (1994) .... Philip ... aka Lifesavers - nu stiu ce e..caut
A Simple Twist of Fate (1994) .... Michael McCann - nu stiu
And the Band Played On (1993) (TV) .... The Brother - nu stiu
Leap of Faith (1992) .... Jonas Nightengale - nu stiu
HouseSitter (1992) .... Newton Davis - vazut, frumos
Grand Canyon (1991) .... Davis
Father of the Bride (1991) .... George Stanley Banks - filmul meu de suflet:)
L.A. Story (1991) .... Harris K. Telemacher - super film
My Blue Heaven (1990/I) .... Vincent 'Vinnie' Antonelli

Parenthood (1989) .... Gil Buckman
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (1988) .... Freddy Benson
Planes, Trains & Automobiles (1987) .... Neal Page
"The Tracey Ullman Show" .... Rusty the Choreographer (1 episode, 1987)
- Meg's Lucky Night (1987) TV Episode .... Rusty the Choreographer
Roxanne (1987) .... C.D. 'Charlie' Bales
Little Shop of Horrors (1986) .... Orin Scrivello, DDS
¡Three Amigos! (1986) .... Lucky Day - super film
Movers & Shakers (1985) .... Fabio Longio
All of Me (1984) .... Roger Cobb
The Lonely Guy (1984) .... Larry Hubbard
The Man with Two Brains (1983) .... Dr. Michael Hfuhruhurr
Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid (1982) .... Rigby Reardon
... aka Dead Men Wear No Plaid
Twilight Theater (1982) (TV) .... Various Characters
... aka Steve Martin's Twilight Theater (USA: complete title)
Pennies from Heaven (1981) .... Arthur Parker

Super actor, super filme:)
cred ca nu am gresit nimic:))

Weekend de film

Pink Panther
Vineri seara am ras cu Bojemoi si Steve Martin. Am regasit un Jean Reno fara barbitza si usor imbatranit. O comedie spumoasa, am ras cu lacrimi.

Am vazut sambata cu Ryan Gosling (pe care il iubim si care a facut un rol excelent) si cu marele Anthony Hopkins (despre care nu mai exista cuvinte de lauda care sa nu fii fost deja spuse).

Reign Over Me
Am zis mereu ca Sandler este o minune de actor. Nu numai in rol de comedie. Eu il iubesc de pe vremea lui Spanglish - pe care l-am vazut de atatea ori si inca l-as vedea cu placere. Insa rolul din Reign over me este exceptional.

Blades Of Glory
O porcarie. Nici macar nu este o comedie ok. Nu mi-a placut nimic. Castingul prost, filmare de duzina, povestea proasta.

Am revazut Knocked Up! Si am ras si am zis "asta da comedie!":))

Gnarls Barkley - Crazy

"You are the best. You are the worst. You are average. Your love is a part of you. You try to give it away because you cannot bear its radiance, but you cannot separate it from yourself. To understand your fellow humans, you must understand why you give them your love. You must realize that hate is but a crime-ridden subdivision of love. You must reclaim what you never lost. You must take leave of your sanity, and yet be fully responsible for your actions." -Gnarls Barkley, in a letter to the legendary rock critic Lester Bangs

Asta asa, ca dupa ce am vazut la Tvr1 neste Grammy mi-am zis sa pui aci pe blog ce imi mai place si mie.