Friday, January 11, 2008

Hanif Kureishi "Intimitate si alte povestiri"

"Intimitate" - o poveste care are loc in Londra zilelor noastre, un tip intre doua varste se decide sa isi paraseasca familia. Este casatotit de 6 ani cu Susan si au impreuna doi copii, dar el este un tip nefericit..A avut ceva aventuri si o amanta despre care vorbeste destul de des, zisa Nina.

Ca sa aflati ce se va petrece..cititi:) Restul povestirilor - Licarire, Straini cand ne intalnim si Spleen - scrise in acelasi stil. Mie mi-a placut mult Spleen.

Hanif este nascut pe 5 decembrie (la fel ca omul pe care il iubesc eu azi si care are cam aceleasi pasiuni cu scriitorul:)) - playwright, screenwriter and filmmaker, novelist and short story writer. The themes of his work have touched on topics of race, nationalism, immigration, and sexuality.

In 2001 s-a ecranizat Intimacy:
Jay, a failed musician, walked out of his family and now earns a living as head bartender in a trendy London pub. Every Wednesday afternoon a woman comes to his house for graphic, almost wordless, sex. One day Jay follows her and finds out about the rest of her life (and that her name is Claire). This eventually disrupts their relationship. Written by Will Gilbert

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